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7 Amazing Ways How Inbound Marketing Can Benefit Online Business

By Syira Junaidi on 05 April 2021

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Inbound Marketing is a great way to draw visitors and customers in, rather than pushing agendas and messages to unwilling listeners. It is a method where you attract potential customers and visitors by using helpful assets and a personalised experience. There are plenty of ways how inbound marketing can benefit you.


Inbound marketing provides a competitive advantage like none other, especially business with online platforms. Here are 7 amazing ways on how inbound marketing can benefit you.


1. Get Better Quality Leads & Prospects

With inbound marketing, customers come to you instead of you needing to constantly seek for them. This creates better qualified leads and prospects as you know the people coming to you. We do this by nurturing and using helpful content that attracts customers online. Content is the fuel that drives your inbound marketing. 


2. Improve Pipeline Management


Inbound marketing allows for more collaboration between the sales and marketing teams in your business. They have to work together for your whole inbound strategy to work. The sales team has a role to provide the marketing team with real customer insights. Marketers would then help the sales team to generate more quality leads for them to close.


Using the inbound method, the hand-over process from marketing to sales is made more efficient and systematic. Thus, it improves pipeline management and ensures a better customer experience. 


3. Reduce Expenses

By and large, inbound marketing is more cost-effective compared to outbound marketing. Traditional marketing like radio and television advertising would often require a big budget that not all companies like startups and SMEs can afford.


Inbound marketing experience 61% lower cost per lead. 53% of marketers also believed that inbound marketing leads to a higher ROI. This can be attributed to the intent of the inbound strategy, which is to capture specific groups of customers (your target audience) instead of mass consumers. It also uses effective digital tools online, which are mostly more cost-effective than traditional advertising. 


Read more: (Infographic) Inbound vs Outbound Marketing

4. Increase Visibility

Increase visibility


Inbound marketing can increase brand visibility and awareness by appearing where and when customers need you. Its methods and practices aim to get their attention through content and engagement. This is why blogs, social media, email marketing are inherent elements of the inbound methodology.


Most importantly, you will gain awareness from customers that are interested in you because you are producing content that is tailored to them.


5. Build Better Relationships


In this digital era, customers always look for meaningful transactions amidst a clutter of adverts and disruptive marketing. Inbound marketing works the other way. It nurtures your target audience in a less abrupt way and aims to take care of customers even after a purchase. 


The inbound approach helps us build a meaningful customer experience from the moment they found us till the decision-making stage to buy your product and service. Good customer relationships are the backbone to customer retention and long-term growth. And inbound marketing strives to do just that. 


6. Stay Competitive and RelevantStay competitive and relevant


When adopting the inbound methodology in your marketing strategy, you can end up with better content, better business, and better customers. This will help your brand to stay competitive and have a stronger position in the market. Positive customer experience improves overall brand perception. Especially in this digital age, staying competitive is crucial for company survival. 


7. Sustain Long- Term Marketing Efforts


Whatever you’re doing with inbound marketing for your business will benefit you in the long-term. On the other hand, aggressive outbound campaigns are mostly good in the short-term. You need to constantly spend money on ads to keep outbound campaigns going. 


With inbound-oriented content and strategy, however, your marketing efforts can be sustained longer and will keep on bringing in leads. The lead nurturing content that you provided can always be accessed by your target audience months or even years from now.




Inbound is not just a method, but a mindset and a progressive way of thinking to grow modern buyers in this digital era. It is an excellent way for online businesses to gain more prospects, create better relationships and manage their pipeline a lot better. Inbound marketing is definitely the way to go.



Topics: Inbound Marketing

Author: Syira Junaidi

Syira's brain has been wired to look at all things marketing from the POV of Keywords, SEO, Inbound and Content Marketing. She loves sharing values in all her funnels and flywheels, almost as much as sharing the latest info on eco-friendly living and animal welfare.

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