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5 reasons why live chat is impactful to your business

Written by Novelle Tham | 16 May 2018


When you are using inbound marketing for your business, you are always looking for ways to increase visitors’ traffic on your website and further convert them into leads and customers for the service or product you are selling.


How frequently, however, do your clients tell you "it's not a good time to talk" simply because you are calling them at an inconvenient time? This happens more often than you'd want it too.


What if you implemented a less time consuming but more convenient method of communication with your customers? Live chat could be the answer to your problems.


What is Live Chat?


Live chat makes it possible for businesses, through their website, to reach out to their online visitors and communicate directly with them in real time. According to a study conducted by Kayako, 79% of businesses saw a positive effect on sales, revenue and customer loyalty as a result of offering live chat. In addition, the report concluded that 38% of customers are more likely to buy from a company if they offer live chat support.


Live chat services come in different formats. Sometimes, a message bubble will appear at the bottom of your screen inviting you to chat with one of the company's representatives by typing in your inquiry. Other times a pop-up will appear on your screen inviting you to type directly into the field. Many other forms of live chat told are being invented along the way. Many companies are adopting this mode of communication on their websites and here are the reasons.



Benefits of Live Chat

1. You connect with the right audience at the right time


Your message bubble is programmed to appear right when your potential customer visits your site. It can also be customized to appear on specific pages, such as your pricing page, or services provided page. Proactive greetings can also be customized to prompt engagement with visitors. This can encourage direct communication with your company, where they can ask you questions about your products or services, how does it fit to their needs, and how to make the purchase. Live chat can instantly convert your visitors into qualified leads.


2. It is Easy to Set up and Use


Creating a chat window is a minor addition to the creation of your website that plays a big role. Once the live chat is set up, your customers can easily use it with just a few clicks. Your representative can just as easily respond to your site visitors in real time.



3. It Enables B2B and B2C communications


When you decide to take your business online, you expect to meet the needs of all prospective clients, whether they are businesses or consumers. With live chat tools, you can instantly communicate with both of these groups and convert them to sales-ready leads.



4. Establishment of Trust


On business, reassurance is important, especially with prospective customers who visit your site. Moving your visitors from the awareness stage to the consideration stage can be made easier using live chat tools. Whenever they are unsure of the product or service’s details, you can easily reaffirm them with a solution and clarification hence building trust.


5. A Moment for Enlightenment


Inbound marketing is all about informing and educating both leads and online customers. Live chat offers very personalized answers to these audiences. The representative provides detailed responses accompanied by specific redirections to highly targeted content. This is a great tool especially where the leads can have a thorough view of your company, products and/or services.


Live chat tools on your website will go a long way in improving the performance of your brand, customer service, customer lifetime value and many other ways. It would be a great addition to your inbound marketing strategy.